Sunday, November 9, 2014

In regard to future applicants!

Hey there!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog. It's such a pleasure to hear from all sorts of people interested in applying for the Legislative Page Program, and asking for suggestions on their essay.
I'm more than happy to help you with your/your child's essay. To make it a little simpler than a long chain of comments on my posts, I'll give you an email here.

If you are interested to get in contact with me so I can give you advice on your essay, tips on studying, or anything else, you can contact me at
Just note that I'm in high school now, so sometimes it take a little bit to respond to you. It may be a good idea to email me with questions a little MORE than two or three days before the application due date.
While I am happy to look at your/your child's essay and give you suggestions, I will not edit and shorten it. I do not have a lot of extra time, given the fact that I am still in school. If you'd like to me give my opinion on what to add, what not to mention, how to begin it, how to conclude, etc, I can give advice. Only if I have some extra time will I edit.

I would like to stress that I will not send you my essay to compare yours to. The Legislative Page Program recently posted a rubric which you can use to see what to include on your essay. The file is on the bottom of this page.

Please don't hesitate to email me! It's just easier for me to respond via there, instead of in the comments on this blog.

Good luck on applications, and any other endeavors!


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