Tuesday, March 19, 2013

More and More Meetings

I realize this post is like two weeks late. But it's never to late to talk about the Legislative Assembly, right?

March 5th was a  very eventful day for us as Legislative Pages. 

To start off the day, we had to be at Queen's Park early then normal; While we normally had to be in uniform for morning briefing at 8:15, that morning we needed to be ready to leave the Page Quarters at that time. We rushed upstairs to the second floor, to an office in the east wing. A very special office indeed; the office of Kathleen Wynne, the Premier of Ontario. We were escorted to one of the meeting rooms in her vast office. Ms. Wynne came in promptly, very excited to meet us. We were very privileged to have a meeting with the newly elected Premier. We got to learn all sorts of interesting things about Ms. Wynne. I felt very fortunate to have this chance to meet with her; The experience was very fun and I really enjoyed getting to speak to the Premier.

After our meeting, the day continued like it normally would; we went up to the Chamber for Orders of the Day, and at 10:00 Question Period started.

After Oral Questions, we got into our procession lines. We walked down the main staircase in the Legislative building, but instead of going downstairs to the Page Quarters for lunch we headed towards the South Entrance. Soon we were at the Clerk, Deborah Deller's door.
We went into the Clerk's office and made ourselves comfortable; Clerk Deller arrived shortly afterwards and our meeting with her quickly began. Clerk Deller was a very humourous and friendly person to talk to; I loved the meeting with her and learned a whole lot about how the Legislature operates. The fun meeting ended off with a pizza lunch, and more hilarious stories about the Legislature's past. Clerk Deller has been serving in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario in different positions for many years, and it was quite interesting to have the perspective of a person who's been at Queen's Park for so long.

Thank you very much for making the time to meet with us!

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